It takes a lot of effort to draw the blogging content on paper. Getting it on the web is a miraculous task in itself. Such efforts deserve great recognition; however, the target audience must discover your blog content to make this a possibility.
The process starts with enabling your blog content’s visibility on the internet. The steps for all the platforms are similar. You are required to log in to your dashboard and turn on the visibility for the web. This is as simple as clicking a button on the web page. It does not require you to prepare a long codebase in HTML.
Search Engines consider many things while ranking your blog content. We will review all of them in the form of a list of tips. This will help you to get your blog content to rank higher as well.
Start With The Title
A search engine displays only a part of your content. The first component that appears is the title of your blog post.
The title determines how relevant your blog content is to the visitor. Search Engine ranks only specific content at the top. Since a search engine works as a response to the query entered by the visitor, the title of your blog must be relevant to that query.
You can consider using Google SERP Snippet Optimization Tool while finalizing the title. The tool assists publishers in constructing the title in a better manner. It showcases a preview of how the title would appear in the search result.
Plan Keywords
Visitors always look for a specific kind of content. A search engine understands this based on what a visitor types in the search bar. Every word entered by the visitor acts as a keyword.
It is naturally alright for your content to match all the words in the same sequence. The key is to use as many combinations of keywords as possible. This is where it becomes crucial to plan the keywords. The planning stage includes searching for the most relevant keyword and using it appropriately to maintain a high density within the content.

Image Source: Search Engine Land
The Chrome extension of Ubersuggest comes in handy for people who are looking to fill their blog content with the best keywords.
Simplify URL Structure
Consider this as giving someone directions to a particular destination. You would want to keep it as simple as possible so that the other person reaches their destination.
Similarly, a URL structure must be created in the most simple form. A URL structure generally should summarize the content of your blog. It isn’t easy to do so. Hence, you might want to only focus on what is important. For example, a blog content about ten ways to fix a tap must have as the URL.
That is only an example. A URL can be created as per your needs and requirements.
Internal Optimization
This is also referred to as Internal Linking or Internal Search Engine Optimization. It includes the links of your other web pages in the current blog content.
The thought that search engines don’t read internal links is a myth. The fact that internal links matter the most stands true under every circumstance. Readers love to navigate on a website as long as it happens at their convenience. They lose interest immediately when they have to put extra effort into visiting another page.

Image Source: Marketing91
Keep it in context to the content. Direct a reader to a web page only if it adds value to what they are reading or what they have just read.
Use Images And Videos
Presentation retains a reader on a web page. The better the presentation, the higher the retention. Moreover, it helps a reader to understand your content in a better manner.
Search Engines cover the ratio of text and media in your content. It must be appropriate to secure a higher rank on a search engine. There is no fundamental principle as to what the ratio should be, but the general idea is to place an image or a video after nearly 150 words. This is a generic principle that can be customized as per the content of your blog.
Remember to avoid plagiarism claims by quoting your source. Every blogging platform offers the space to add text right below the image or video. Use that space to mention the source from where you have taken the photo or video.
Post Original Content
This goes beyond posting the media files in the blog content. It extends to publishing the original content on the internet.
Search engines take plagiarism very seriously. No publisher has ever escaped after stealing the content from a platform. The publisher directly copies the content faces trouble from two sides, with search engines ranking down the web page and the original publisher reporting the content to be taken down.
Check how original your content is before publishing it on the internet. Small Seo Tools is a great platform that highlights the parts of content that are not unique. You can also generate a report in pdf and review it with your team for further corrections.
Write Meta Description
Many of you might recognize this as SEO Description, which is an alternate name for Meta Description.
It summarizes the entire blog content and appears in the search results of a search engine. While your blog title is the first to appear in the search results, a meta description appears right below the title. It determines how many visitors click to read your content.
The meta description can either be written in HTML or the SEO description of your dashboard. Fill it with relevant keywords so that search engines can easily discover it.
Leverage Social Media
Social Media indirectly helps you to rank your blog content on a search engine. Content published on a social media platform is also displayed in the search results.
An excellent possibility is that one of your social media posts may get highlighted by a search engine. This will redirect the visitor to your social media post and then to your blog content. Social Media platforms are also good to keep your audiences engaged while you plan to come out with your next blog.

Image Source: MarTech Advisor
Don’t undermine the usage of a hashtag. It is a great tool to help visitors discover your content on the internet. Use relevant hashtags to reach the target audience.
Final Words
Your blog content might be compelling, but all the efforts are worth it only if people discover it on the internet. Search Engines are (metaphorically) like a child. They demand a better understanding of your content so that they can further show it to the visitors.